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MRC Pontiac signs new garbage contract with Centre FilloGreen

22 July 2024 à 1:51 pm

On July 18, officials from MRC Pontiac met with representatives of the company Centre FilloGreen to sign a new contract for household waste collection and transport, beginning August 19 (Full text of the: contract, call for tenders and addenda). The company, based in Litchfield, was awarded the contract at the MRC Pontiac council meeting on […]

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Farm Lake public boat launch closed due to spread of Eurasian Milfoil

15 July 2024 à 2:29 pm

The Municipality of Otter Lake announced on Thursday last week (July 11) that they would be closing the public boat launch on Farm Lake due to the growth of a patch of an invasive plant species, Eurasian Milfoil. The municipality held a public meeting in May to educate residents on how to curb the spread […]

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Government extends $18,000 bonuses to Pontiac imagery techs

15 July 2024 à 1:34 pm

Updated on 15 July 2024 à 3:51 pm

Late last week, the Quebec government announced that it had come to an agreement with the APTS, the union representing imagery technicians in the region, to extend bonuses of $18,000 to technicians working in the Pontiac region. The bonuses are equivalent to the ones offered to staff at the Maniwaki Hospital, however, are $4,000 less […]

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MRC announces new Land and Flavours Route

28 June 2024 à 2:01 pm

MRC Pontiac just unveiled a new tourism route for the Pontiac, the Land and Flavours Route highlighting agricultural businesses throughout the region. Stephanie Hébert-Potter, with the MRC’s economic development department, explained that the newly announced route features a wide variety of agritourism operations across the Pontiac. The full interview with Hébert-Potter (4m) is available here.

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Allumettes Mayor asks residents to file complaints with Hydro-Quebec following outages

26 June 2024 à 2:29 pm

Updated on 26 June 2024 à 3:35 pm

Residents of the Upper Pontiac are no strangers to hydro issues but were hit by a series of outages during last week’s heat wave and again over the weekend, leaving many upset with the state of the region’s electrical infrastructure. L’Isle-aux-Allumettes Mayor Corey Spence estimated that there are about 3,400 people affected by the outages, […]

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André Fortin discusses announcement of new Gatineau Hospital location

21 June 2024 à 1:13 pm

Pontiac MNA André Fortin came by CHIP 101.9’s studio on June 20 to discuss the big regional news of the day, which was the announcement of a new location for the proposed hospital in Gatineau. The federal government will be transferring the Asticou Centre, located on Boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes to the province for the […]

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MRC contracts out HR services to help choose new Assistant Director

21 June 2024 à 12:07 pm

Updated on 21 June 2024 à 1:25 pm

At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on June 19, a resolution was approved to contract the Federation of Quebec Municipalities (FQM) for “support services in human resources and labour relations” to aid their selection of a new Assistant Director General. The price range of these services is between $135 and $215 per hour. […]

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Pontiac imagery technicians apply for jobs in city due to new bonuses

20 June 2024 à 3:31 pm

Following the news last week that imagery technicians at the Pontiac and Wakefield Hospitals wouldn’t be receiving bonuses of around $20,000 offered to staff at other hospitals in the region, roughly half of the local technicians have applied to jobs elsewhere. The development was first reported in Shawville’s English-language newspaper The Equity. Health authority CISSSO’s […]

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Local officials decry imagery tech bonuses that exclude Pontiac Hospital

13 June 2024 à 4:34 pm

Updated on 14 June 2024 à 3:40 pm

Pontiac’s representative in the National Assembly, André Fortin, held a press conference with other elected officials this afternoon (June 13) outside the Pontiac Hospital calling on the provincial government to offer bonuses to employees at all the region’s hospitals. As reported in Le Droit yesterday, the province announced that bonuses they had been paying to […]

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Warden discusses recent FQM conference, meeting with health minister

4 June 2024 à 3:57 pm

MRC Pontiac Warden Jane Toller stopped by CHIP 101.9’s studios this week to discuss her recent attendance at a meeting of the Fédération québécoise des municipalités (FQM) and the issues that were discussed. She highlighted a short meeting that took place between the wardens of the Outaouais and Quebec’s Health Minister Christian Dubé regarding short-staffing […]

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