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Heated special MRC meeting on incinerator newsletter, resolution voted down 16-1

30 April 2024 à 9:53 am

Updated on 30 April 2024 à 1:04 pm

Around two dozen members of the public attended a special meeting of the MRC Pontiac council of mayors Monday morning (April 29) at the MRC office in Campbell’s Bay. The special sitting had been called by Warden Jane Toller for the purposes of appropriating $3,000 for the distribution of a newsletter on a proposed waste […]

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Special sitting of MRC Pontiac council Monday regarding incinerator communication

24 April 2024 à 2:15 pm

Updated on 24 April 2024 à 3:22 pm

This story has been updated from its original version.  MRC Pontiac issued a press release on April 24 announcing that a special meeting of the council of mayors has been called for Monday April 29 at 9 a.m. The only item on the agenda is listed as “Communication with residents concerning the EFW Initial Business […]

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MRC to promote local agricultural products with digital sign, indoor display

23 April 2024 à 2:11 pm

At the most recent MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on April 17, council approved a resolution budgeting up to $86,400 for a project to promote agricultural products from throughout the Pontiac. The funding was allocated as part of component four of the the Regions and Rurality Fund (FRR). Shanna Armstrong, the MRC’s economic development […]

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MRC economic development director fired after only weeks on the job

22 April 2024 à 11:36 am

At the most recent MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on April 17, the final resolution of the evening was to terminate an employee with cause, which was newly hired economic development director, Pierre Cadieux, CHIP 101.9 has learned. Cadieux’s hiring was approved at a special meeting of MRC council on March 13 of this […]

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Shawville plans to go ahead with unauthorized crosswalk signage near PHS

22 April 2024 à 11:30 am

At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on April 17, the public heard from a local youth, Sid Sharpe, about a long-standing safety issue at a busy pedestrian crossing. In Shawville, what’s known as rue Centre is also a provincial highway, Rte. 303 N, a high-traffic route transecting the entire town. Its intersection with […]

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Council of mayors approve audited financial statements for 2023

18 April 2024 à 4:04 pm

At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on April 17, the mayors received a detailed breakdown of the 2023 audited financial statements for both the TNO and the MRC, presented by auditor Simon Thibault, whose analysis was translated by MRC accountant Annie Vaillancourt. TNO Vaillancourt explained that for the period covered by this statement, […]

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Pontiac farmers join UPA protest in Gatineau

17 April 2024 à 3:45 pm

A group of about a dozen tractors and other vehicles took off from chemin Alary in Luskville on Wednesday morning (April 17) to join fellow farmers in Gatineau for a protest organized by the Union des producteurs agricoles. Stéphane Alary, UPA President for the Outaouais-Laurentides region, explained that the reason for the protest was to […]

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Deloitte, Ramboll incinerator reports removed from MRC Pontiac website

14 April 2024 à 5:31 pm

Updated on 15 April 2024 à 3:48 pm

This story has been updated from its original version to include a response from MRC Pontiac. Less than 24 hours after being uploaded to the MRC Pontiac website, links to two reports on a proposed waste incinerator project in the region have been removed. The documents were produced by consulting company Deloitte and subcontractor Ramboll, […]

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MRC releases waste incineration business report from Deloitte

11 April 2024 à 5:10 pm

This afternoon (April 11), MRC Pontiac released the full text of the initial business case for a proposed waste incineration project in the region (available here). The document was produced by the consulting firm Deloitte at a cost of just over $100,000, with the MRC appropriating the majority of the funds from the surplus last […]

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Québec Solidaire appeals to CAQ to adopt Bill 198

1 April 2024 à 10:55 am

Opposition party Québec solidaire appealed to the CAQ government on March 28 to adopt Bill 198, which aims to protect elderly tenants in the midst of the current housing crunch. If passed into law, the bill would expand on a law tabled in 2016 by former QS spokesperson Françoise David, which would prevent landlords from […]

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