Featured Articles

Secondaire en spectacle: ESSC students show off their talents
The local finals of Secondaire en spectacle took place yesterday (February 26) at École Secondaire Sieur de Coulonge, with 40 student artists presented 25 performances. The two-hour show, mainly composed of dance numbers and a few songs, delighted a full house that came to cheer on the students. The jury was composed of Garrett Vekaryask […]
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Four municipalities to offer “participatory budgets”
At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on February 19, it was announced that several projects received funding through the FRR component 2, a fund provided by Quebec’s Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH), including “participatory budgets” in four municipalities: Otter Lake, Campbell’s Bay, Waltham and l’Isle-aux-Allumettes. Participatory budgets have been used in […]
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Draft MRC bylaw would ban citizens, media from photography at public meetings
At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on February 19, council introduced a draft bylaw regarding management of public meetings (the full text of which is available here: EN/FR). The majority of the bylaw concerns the rules for public meetings, such as the structure of the public question period and rules for elected officials […]
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EntourElle offering new support group for women
Local woman’s shelter L’EntourElle is looking to start a new support group for women in the community, addressing themes such as domestic violence, toxic relationships and self-esteem. Cassey Bérubé, a prevention and awareness worker with EntourElle, said that they had some success with this type of group with their clients, and wanted to expand their […]
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Proponents of land-based salmon farm host first public consultation
On Thursday evening (February 13), the company planning a land-based Atlantic salmon farm in Litchfield held a public consultation at the Campbell’s Bay RA Hall, with about 30 members of the public in attendance, including several elected officials. Samonix is a company based in Chelsea Quebec, that has already purchased property for the planned farm […]
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Shawville’s Tanguay headed to National University Curling Championships
Shawville’s Monica Tanguay will be facing off against some of the best young curlers in the country next week as she takes part in the U Sports National Curling Championships in Lethbridge, Alberta from February 24-28. Tanguay will be playing lead for the University of Guelph Gryphons, along with a core squad she has played […]
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Man arrested after allegedly stealing Good Samaritan’s vehicle
On Thursday afternoon (February 15), at around 1 p.m. police received a call for a vehicle that had gone of road on Hwy. 148 in Waltham. The caller mentioned that he had stopped to give assistance to the vehicle, but the driver had jumped in his running vehicle and taken off. Police managed to locate […]
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MRC Pontiac unveils new tourism bureau upgrades
MRC Pontiac held a press conference on Wednesday (February 12) to unveil a newly upgraded tourism bureau and digital sign at their office in Campbell’s Bay. The project has been in the works since last April, with the funding being allocated from the FRR component four, a provincial fund from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs […]
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Proposed housing development in Shawville to get second public consultation
A proposal to rezone a chunk of land on the outskirts of Shawville to allow a block of apartments got a largely critical reception at a consultation at town hall on February 3, but council is planning a follow up in the coming weeks. Around a dozen people attended to hear about the proposed project, […]
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Despite late start to season Ski Pontiac plows ahead
Local non-profit group Ski Pontiac had a bit of a late opening of their trails at Astra Estates in Bristol earlier this month, but are gearing up for their biggest event of the year, the moonlight ski and snowshoe. President Ariane Cloutier explained that the weather this year had cut their season short, as they […]
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