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Some Pontiac businesses will be able to reopen in the coming weeks

29 April 2020 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:08 am

QUÉBEC – Companies in the manufacturing, construction and engineering industry, as well as stores outside of shopping centers may gradually be able to reopen during the month of May. The minister of Economy and Innovation, Pierre Fitzgibbon, gave more details on the economic impact, and the reason for the recovery of these three sectors of […]

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Jane Toller reminds citizens of Pontiac MRC that there is still a risk of contracting the virus

29 April 2020 à 12:00 am

“Even though we are now aware that there are no confirmed cases in our MRC, that does not mean that we are no longer at risk.”said the Warden of the MRC Pontiac, Jane Toller, in her daily update to citizens. The Warden wanted to clear up the confusion about the number of COVID-19 cases in […]

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Councillor Réjean Meilleur files assault complaint against Mayor Newberry

29 April 2020 à 12:00 am

Tuesday, April 28th – A family member of Réjean Meilleur, a L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet council member, said in a Facebook post alleging that Mayor Serge Newberry would have verbally and physically attacked Councilor Meilleur, an elderly man of 72 years old. CHIP 101.9 was able to confirm that a complaint was filed with the Sûreté du Québec […]

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Report – Quebec Government’s 1 p.m. press briefing- April 29 2020

29 April 2020 à 12:00 am

The Quebec government holds a daily press briefing to update its citizens regarding the situation surrounding COVID-19 across Québec. These press briefings are broadcast live on the air in French at 1 p.m. on CHIP 101.9. During The Drive on CHIP 101.9, after 5p.m., the following English report is presented to summarize the briefing and […]

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5:30 pm Update – Jane Toller – April 29 2020

29 April 2020 à 12:00 am

Daily update from the Warden of the MRC Pontiac Jane Toller regarding the situation surrounding COVID-19. CHIP101.9 · April 29 2020_ Update Jane Toller

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Jane Toller encourages Pontiac residents to grow their own gardens this summer

28 April 2020 à 12:00 am

The context of the COVID-19 pandemic made the Warden of the MRC Pontiac suggest that that tending a garden this summer could prevent the scarcity of certain fresh products. This is what Jane Toller mentioned during her daily update to CHIP 101.9, on Friday, April 24, and that she repeated during her updates on Saturday […]

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A Pontiac Resident discussed her experience

28 April 2020 à 12:00 am

Some Pontiac residents have responded to the call from the Legault government to help within the CHSLDs across Quebec. This is the case of Caroline Bizzoni who applied, through various procedures, to offer her help during this pandemic of the COVID-19. CHIP101.9 · Extrait – Caroline B -1 Caroline Bizzoni is however still waiting for […]

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MP William Amos talks about the Federal Government’s aid programs

28 April 2020 à 12:00 am

The Member of Parliament for the Pontiac William Amos reviewed the highlights of the federal government’s most recent investments in the context of COVID-19. In which he highlighted the money invested in health science that will be used to find a long-term solution. CHIP101.9 · Clip – William Amos – Investment in Science The full […]

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Outaouais update – COVID-19 – 27 avril 2020

28 April 2020 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:08 am

The Outaouais region has now declared 266 cases of COVID-19 since the start of outbreak of COVID-19 in Quebec. The Potniac’s réseau local de rervice (RLS) remains at 5 cases or less. The number of hospitalizations at the COVID-19 designated center in Gatineau (Hull Hospital) stands at 6, including one person in intensive care. Of […]

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There are no cases of COVID-19 in the MRC Pontiac

28 April 2020 à 12:00 am

No case of COVID-19 has been identified specifically on the territory of the MRC Pontiac since the start of the crisis. The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais now discloses the number of people affected by municipalities. In the most recent update, no municipality in the MRC Pontiac is listed […]

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