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CISSS de l’Outaouais addresses the new Alert system

10 September 2020 à 12:00 am

The Centre intégré de santé et de Services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outoauis held a press conference Wednesday to address how the Quebec government’s new regional alert and intervention systems will apply in the Outaouais region. During the press conference, Dr. Bridgitte Pinard of the CISSS de l’Outaouais highlighted the health and sanitization measures as the […]

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Strike against the lack of progress in negotiations in early childhood care centers

10 September 2020 à 12:00 am

On Wednesday September 09, representatives of the Fédération des intervenantes en petite enfance du Québec (FIPEQ-CSQ) in charge of family education services (RSE) in the Outaouais held strike in the streets of Buckingham to protest the lack of progress in the negotiation table for the regulated and subsidized family environment. In an interview, the president […]

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Teachers will not defer despite the Pandemic

10 September 2020 à 12:00 am

Around 150 teachers from the Hautes-Rivières Teachers Union (SPEHR FSE-CSQ) gathered throughout the Outaouais region Thursday to remind their employer, the government, and the population that teachers are still negotiating their collective agreement despite the COVID-19 pandemic. “The difficult context we are currently living in should not make us forget that teachers are amid negotiations […]

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Gala for 2020 Readers Choice Awards Live on CHIP 101.9

10 September 2020 à 12:00 am

In the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Pontiac Journal has partnered with the MRC Pontiac and Pontiac community radio station to present the winners of the Readers Choice Awards live on the air on CHIP 101.9. In an interview, the director General of the Pontiac Journal, Lynne Lavery explained why the Journal decided to […]

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General meeting and important survey for the parents of children of the Petits-Ponts school

10 September 2020 à 12:00 am

The General Assembly of parents of the Petits-Ponts school will take place on Wednesday September 16, at 7 p.m., at the Poupore school. For this occasion, those present will be entitled to a presentation from Mr. Louis-Philippe Larivière concerning the new board of directors of the Centre de services scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de l’Outaouais. Positions are […]

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Fines will be handed out to those who refuse to wear masks

10 September 2020 à 12:00 am

During Thursdays press conference, the Premier of Quebec François Legault said police will begin handing out fines to anyone who isn’t wearing a mask, without a valid reason, as required by the public health guidelines. The fines will apply across the province, but according to Premier Legault, the authorities will target regions classified as “yellow” […]

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Hydro Quebec funds a Pilot Project celebrating Culture month in the MRC Pontiac

9 September 2020 à 12:00 am

Hydro Quebec has chosen the MRC Pontiac, among 5 MRCs across the province, for an investment of $10, 000 to host Cultural activities in the coming month as part of a new pilot project – les Journées de la Culture – celebrating of Québec Culture Month. As for the MRC Pontiac, a large portion of […]

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“The Red Bridge could have disappeared” – Gilles Dionne, Mayor of Mansfield

9 September 2020 à 12:00 am

In an interview regarding the Félix-Gabriel Marchand Bridge, Mansfield-et-Pontefract Mayor Gilles Dionne said that due to the old condition of the Red Bridge, the Government of Quebec had almost decided to permanently close the bridge two times over the past 5 years. CHIP101.9 · Extrait – Pont presque fermer Note: the Quebec Ministry of Tourism […]

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The 2020 Centraide Outaouais Campaign officially launched

9 September 2020 à 12:00 am

The 2020 Centraide Outaouais Campaign officially launched Wednesday. During the launch, which was broadcasted live on CHIP 101.9, Bob Giroux, the President of the 2020 Campaign, talked about the importance of the campaign and the impact they are hoping to have this year. CHIP101.9 · Extrait – Bob Giroux – Centraide Due to COVID-19, the […]

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What to understand about homeschooling and distance education

9 September 2020 à 12:00 am

In a press release sent on September 9, 2020, the Centre de services scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSSHBO) wishes to inform the school community of the two possible teaching streams for students. Homeschooling: This is when parents want to start teaching their child at home by making a learning plan and preparing assignments. Parents who wish […]

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