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The Journal de Montréal publishes article highlighting Pontiac’s low vaccination rate

7 February 2022 à 12:00 am

Quebec’s biggest French-language daily newspaper, the Journal de Montréal, published an article in its February 5 edition titled “Welcome to the Pontiac, the hard heads of vaccination in Quebec” (tr.). The article was also published through affiliated media at the Journal de Québec and TVA. Journalist Nora T. Lamontagne met with elected officials like Pontiac […]

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Thorne reduces mill rate for 2022

4 February 2022 à 12:00 am

In 2022, Thorne residents will see their mill rate drop by 4 cents per $100 valuation, from 64 cents to 60. Mayor Karen Kelly said that they made the decision to lower the rate in order to give taxpayers a bit of a break. CHIP101.9 · Clip – Karen Kelly – mill rate This year […]

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Litchfield sees 9 cent decrease in mill rate

4 February 2022 à 12:00 am

Litchfield Mayor Colleen Larivière spoke with CHIP 101.9 about the municipality’s budget. She started off by pointing out that they had reduced the mill rate by 9 cents in response to increases in assessment values. CHIP101.9 · Clip – Colleen Lariviere – mill rate She said that one of the big projects that they are […]

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Outaouais population invited to participate in Forestry public consultation

4 February 2022 à 12:00 am

Outaouais residents have until February 15, 2022, to participate in a public consultation outlining potential new intervention sectors, as well as new roads and infrastructures across the Outaouais that would be suitable for development under the plans d’aménagement forestier intégré opérationnels (PAFIO) de l’Outaouais. Commercial forestry work could be carried out as early at April […]

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Sûreté du Québec issues incident report for January 24-30 in the MRC Pontiac

4 February 2022 à 12:00 am

The following is an incident report issued by the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) for the period between January 24 and January 30 in the MRC Pontiac. Monday, January 24 • Material damage collision, Tancredia, L’Isle-aux-Allumettes • Material damage collision, ch. des Marquis, Fort-Coulonge Tuesday, January 25 • Material damage collision, route 303, Clarendon Wednesday, January […]

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Commercial buildings increase more than 100% in value in three years

4 February 2022 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:23 am

**This story has been updated from its original version to include the response from the MRC** 02.08 Owners of commercial buildings in the Pontiac, but particularly in Fort-Coulonge, were surprised by the new assessment roll, which saw some properties jump in valuation by several hundred thousand dollars and even more than double their assessment in […]

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Over $640,000 to improve off-road vehicle safety in Outaouais

4 February 2022 à 12:00 am

The Goverment of Québec as announced $640,767 in new funding for four Quad cluds and five snowmobile clubs in the Outaouais region to support them and to allow them to improve safety practices. In the Pontiac, Club Quad du Pontiac will receive $46,154, l’Association des motoneigistes de Pontiac inc. is be getting $132, 313 and the […]

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Public health reminds people of the dangers of Carbon Monoxide

4 February 2022 à 12:00 am

Given the winter conditions of late, Outaouais Public Health decided to remind residents about the dangers of carbon monoxide. The CISSS de l’Outaouais explained the carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless toxic gas, which does not irritate the the eyes or lungs. ”Breathing carbon monoxide can be very dangerous for your health and is potentially […]

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Ed Walsh discusses Clarendon’s budget

4 February 2022 à 12:00 am

Clarendon Mayor Ed Walsh talk to CHIP 101.9 about the municipality’s budget for 2022, which passed in January. This year, the tax rate remained stable at 60 cents per $100 of assessment with expenses and revenues balanced at $3,129,862 and $163,890 taken from the surplus. The large share of income came from taxes and transfers, […]

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No appointment needed at Campbell’s Bay vaccination clinic

3 February 2022 à 12:00 am

The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais wishes to inform the public that as of today (February 3), those aged 5 years and over can receive their 1st, 2nd or booster dose at the following walk-in vaccination clinics without an appointment: – Campbell’s Bay Recreation Centre : Monday, Wednesday and Friday […]

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