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The War Amps Association calls for caution

20 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The War Amps Association’s amputee program aims to raise awareness this summer about the dangers of lawn mower accidents, which they say happen too often. Program director Louis Bourassa, who himself was amputated due to a lawn mower accident at the age of four, Bourassa said there is a tendency to become less aware of […]

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The Jardin Éducatif du Pontiac opens to customers

18 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The Jardin Éducatif du Pontiac in Litchfield opened its annual sale of vegetables this week. The director general of the garden, Martin Riopel, explained how the kiosk is scheduled to be open this season in accordance with the COVID-19 Pandemic. CHIP101.9 · Clip – Martin Riopel – 1 Due to COVID-19, certain measures have been […]

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Prostest in Front of the Clarendon Municipal office

16 July 2020 à 12:00 am

Residents of the municipality of Clarendon gathered in front of the municipal office yesterday, July 14, to protest the installation of septic system on the beach in Sand Bay. Demonstrators, such as Randy Russel, criticized the municipality for the installation of the system, which they say has had negative consequences for the residents who wish […]

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An acheivable project thanks to a $1 loan

16 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The public beach project envisioned for the waterside property near the pont Blanc in Mansfield is achievable thanks to a $1 loan payable over five years. In an interview with Sandra Armstrong, one of the land owners, she explains the nature of this agreement with the cooperative Aventure Hélianthe. CHIP101.9 · Extrait – Sandra -1 […]

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The municipality of L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet welcomed in the public

16 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The municipality of L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet opened its doors to the public for the municipal council meeting Monday, the first since the start of the Pandemic. However, citizens attending the meeting had to wear a mask and respect social distancing, the chairs for the public were arranged so as to enforce this rule. Councilor Martin Bertrand was […]

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Mario Tremblay responds to CHIP 101.9’s Questions

16 July 2020 à 12:00 am

During the public meeting held in the municipality of L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet, it was confirmed that a petition requesting the resignation of mayor Serge Newberry was delivered to the municipality. With just under 340 signatures collected according to the organizers, during the meeting, Serge Newberry gave his opinion on the petition saying that certain citizens signed the […]

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New regulation allowing ATVs on municipal Roads in Fort-Coulonge

15 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The municipality of Fort-Coulonge will now be allowing all terrain vehicles to circulated on the municipal roads. Starting today July 15 2020, the municipality will be allowing All-terrain motorized vehicles with handlebars and at least three (3) wheels possessing a net mass that does not exceed 600kg. side-by-sides or quads with more than one seat, […]

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Wearing masks will be mandatory Saturday in all public establishments

14 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The Québec government introduced a new measure making masks mandatory in all indoor public establishments as of July 18. As it stands, people 12 and over must wear a mask or face covering in indoor public places, including retail stores and grocery stores throughout Quebec. “I strongly support the decree issued today by our Premier […]

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Québec consults citizens on the possible use of a tracking app

13 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The Government of Quebec invites citizens to express their opinion on the use of a mobile application for notification of exposure to COVID-19. The Minister Delegate for Government Digital Transformation, Eric Cairo, kicked off this public consultation on Wednesday, which will be held online until August 2. CHIP101.9 · Extrait – Eric Caire – Consultation […]

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Victory Garden: The Quyon Family Center Community Garden

13 July 2020 à 12:00 am

In April, with the uncertainty of food supplies brought on by the pandemic, many politicians were encouraging the public to create a ‘Victory Garden’, an initiative created during the Second World War to allow for a self-sustaining food supply. The Quyon Family Center in the municipality of Pontiac took on this initiative to create a […]

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