Author: Caleb Nickerson
On April 20, the Pontiac Cup organizing committee presented a check for $20,000 to the Coopérative du Centre de loisirs des Draveurs committee. The amount can be used by the committee to move forward with the main projects of the arena (Centre de loisirs des Draveurs Century 21 Élite), such as the refrigeration system. Danick […]
At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on April 19, council supported a resolution originally from the MRC of Maskinongé, requesting that the Quebec government change the way salaries paid to volunteer firefighters are taxed. The resolution asks that province adopt recommendations from l’Association des gestionnaires en sécurité incendie et civile du Québec (AGSICQ), […]
For the first time since the merger of the Caisses Desjardins de Chapeau and Fort-Coulonge, an annual general meeting of the Caisse will take place in person on Tuesday, April 25 at the Salle des Chevaliers de Colomb in Fort-Coulonge. Caisse Desjardins des rivières de Pontiac General Manager Stéphane Labine invited business members to set […]
Like every day, the Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract has been monitoring the flooding situation. The situation is still worrying in several places. “Please do not use the affected roads to go and confirm the situation. This is unsafe, may damage affected properties and increases the stress on those affected. If you find yourself in immediate danger, […]
At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting held on April 19, council received a presentation of the audited financial statements for 2022 of the TNO as well as the MRC by auditor Simon Thibault of Axè CPA Inc., with MRC accountant Annie Vaillancourt providing an English translation. TNO Vaillancourt explained that the differences between the […]
In the most recent update from the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board, released on April 20 at 4:47 p.m., the board states that levels and flows on the Ottawa River are expected to increase gradually and stabilize over the weekend. However, rain forecasted for the weekend may add to levels in certain areas. “From Chats […]
The Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract issued an update regarding Thomas Lefebvre Road. According to municipal officials, despite a good part of the road being submerged and closed to traffic, both ends of Thomas Lefebvre Road are open. Piles of sand and sandbags were distributed in various sectors of the municipality to help residents obtain sandbags. Few […]
The Municipality of the Village of Fort-Coulonge has released issued an update regarding the flooding situation. According to municipal officials, flood management in Fort-Coulonge is currently in prevention mode, despite its neighbouring municipality, Mansfield, having declared a state of emergency. Right now, the parc Centenaire is closed.
On Tuesday the Municipality of Shawville issued an alert through their Telmatik automated messaging system warning residents of door-to-door salespeople in the area. “The Municipality does not condone the door-to-door salespeople. They did not notify the municipal office inspector,” the message reads. “Therefore we recommend to be very wary of what you sign.” Mayor Bill […]
Unionized school bus drivers in the area could go on strike if they don’t reach an agreement with the bus line by May 1. The union representing the drivers, Teamsters Local 106, issued a press release on April 19 warning of a possible action, as 197 of their members in the Outaouais, including 97 working […]