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Episode 0 – Our Ancestors and How They Shaped the Land : Introduction

Episode 0 – Our Ancestors and How They Shaped the Land : Introduction

14 November 2022 à 12:22 pm

Our Ancestors and How They Shape the Land starts with an introduction episode that focuses on the podcast’s conception, production and presentation. In this episode produced by Eric O’Brien, we explore the collaboration between CHIP 101.9 and RAWQ, and some key individuals that helped make it possible.

First is David Gillespie, a member of both organizations’ Board of Directors. He serves as both the treasurer of RAWQ and Vice-President of CHIP 101.9. David was adamant in getting the project off the ground and getting both organizations working together. In the second episode is Linda Sparks. She was the key to telling the stories featured in the podcast. She is widely regarded as the podcasts founder, producer and content writer. She wrote the episodes and found the guests to talk about our local pioneers. And, finally, Jacob Lavigne, the podcast host and producer, was the glue to making this project work. Working closely with Linda Sparks, and the others involved, to ensure that the collective vision for this project that came to life.

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