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Budget 2023: Municipality of Sheenboro

Budget 2023: Municipality of Sheenboro

16 January 2023 à 12:48 pm

Updated on 17 January 2023 à 2:02 pm

Recently, municipal councils across the MRC Pontiac have been developing and adopting their budgets for 2023. CHIP 101.9 is in the process of gathering the budgetary information from each municipality in the region and discussing with municipal officials on realities they face this year.

Here is a look at:

The Municipality of Sheenboro

For 2023, the municipality of Sheenboro has a budget of $ 1,483,770 in revenues and $ 1,483,770 in operating expenses, resulting in a balanced budget. Even though Sheenboro has a year-round population of only 149 residents, according to latest Census released by Statistics Canada (2021), it is not the MRC Pontiac’s smallest municipal budget.

This year Sheenboro will be carrying out revitalization projects as well.

Revenues ($1,483,770):

The biggest sources of revenue for Sheenboro this year comes undoubtably from taxes ($751, 389 or 50.64% of revenues), the majority of which ($534, 527) comes from individual residents whose rates increase by two cents from 2022 (to 56 cents / $100 of evaluation in 2023).

The other large portion of this year’s revenues in Sheeboro come from transfers ($546,755 or 36.85%). This portion of the budget revenues mainly includes grants for things like road maintenance ($183, 684) and the government assistance for gas taxes ($225, 144).


Operating expenses ($1,483,770):

The largest expenses for Sheenboro this year are transportation, which represents 30.19 % of municipal expenditures in 2023 (or $447, 964) and general administration which amounts to $330,670 (or 22.29 %).

Another note-worthy item in Sheenboro’s budget for 2023 is in the section called investing activities. Among other things, one thing that stands out is this year the municipality will be revitalizing its wharf, which is a $90,000 project, paid in part by government grants.

You can find the municipality of Sheenboro’s full 2023 budget overview here.


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