Author: Marie Gionet
The Ottawa River Regulating Committee would like to inform watershed residents that levels and flows along the Ottawa River have begun increasing with the onset of the spring freshet period. The Committee cautions residents in the lowlands along the Ottawa River, as water levels can sometimes rise quickly and cause minor flooding. The Ottawa River […]
In her weekly update, the Warden of the MRC Pontiac Jane Toller, spoke about the announcement of the new federal and provincial program which should allow the entire Pontiac to be connected to high-speed internet. Jane Toller also urged people to be cautious and asked for help in monitoring the rivers for the spring freshet. […]
Members of the community of Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield reacted in large numbers to the death of Nathalie Soucie, a woman strongly involved and who left her mark in several areas. The mayor of Fort-Coulonge, Debbie Laporte, paid tribute to her by speaking of a dedicated woman, who contributed in many ways, both as a volunteer […]
The MRC Pontiac announced yesterday that it launched an online market to promote products from local farmers and producers, called FlavoursofthePontiac. The initiative is made possible thanks to a financial contribution of $ 68,000 through the Support Fund for the Outreach of the Regions (FARR) of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MAMH), the […]
Students of the Petits-Ponts school in the Ste-Anne pavilion on Île-du-Grand-Calumet have created a book entitled “Le Trésor du Rocher-Fendu”. CHIP 101.9 cultural columnist Marie Gionet spoke to the students about their experience. CHIP101.9 · Extrait Maxime et anabelle The book is on sale for $ 20 and will be officially launched on April 1. […]
Yesterday the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais once again called on the people of the region to redouble their efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19. Once again public health evoked that a change to the red zone from the orange zone is possible. In Pontiac, there are now […]
The extraordinary meeting held yesterday at the MRC Pontiac once again demonstrated the division between the mayors on the issue of the forest industry. The mayors David Rochon of Waltham and Gilles Dionne of Mansfield presented a proposal to modify the budget of the sums obtained by the Sustainable Forest Management Program (PADF), to create […]
Vocational training sometimes suffers from certain prejudices vis-à-vis the courses offered in the field of post-secondary studies. Businesswoman Sylvie Béland gave a touching testimony on the quality of vocational training in the region and the training offered to students. CHIP101.9 · Extrait- Sylvie Beland The development officer for the regional service of vocational training in […]
The MRC Pontiac launched an online marketplace called this week to promote sales for local farmers and producers of the region. CHIP 101.9 spoke to the director of economic development at the MRC Pontiac, Cyndy Phillips, about this new website. CHIP101.9 · Interview – Cyndy Phillips – New Website – Flavours of the Pontiac
Here is a summary from the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) of the activities and events that occurred on the territory of the MRC Pontiac. According to the SQ, for legal and security reasons and in order not to jeopardize ongoing investigations, certain events and activities may not be included. Here is the report from March […]