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Western Quebec Literacy Council welcomes Greg Graham as Executive Director

Western Quebec Literacy Council welcomes Greg Graham as Executive Director

24 February 2022 à 12:00 am

The Western Quebec Literacy Council (WQLC) has a new executive director, Greg Graham. The non-profit organization provides educational assistance for English-speaking Quebecers, not only for language, but also numeracy and computer skills among other things.

Graham, who already has served in many roles in Pontiac’s educational sector such as school board commissioner and at the local branch of Heritage College, said that he knew a lot of people involved in the organization before he applied and called them “movers and shakers in the community … people who’ve done a lot of good.”

In his role as Executive Director, Graham will handle the day-to-day operations of the WQLC.

He said that the board was currently planning their programming as public health restrictions begin to ease, and noted that they would likely have more details on that front by April.

More information on the WQLC and their programs can be found on their website, or by calling 1-888-647-3112.

The full interview with Graham is available here.