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“We ask residents to pay special attention along the river, because the victim was wearing an orange and black snowmobile coat” -Marc Tessier

“We ask residents to pay special attention along the river, because the victim was wearing an orange and black snowmobile coat” -Marc Tessier

15 February 2021 à 12:00 am

Police officers from the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) have found and removed from the water of the Ottawa River, the snowmobile of the man from L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, missing since last Friday.

“The search is on hold for today. An assessment will be made today for the next step. We ask the residents to pay special attention along the river, because the victim was wearing an orange and black snowmobile coat (which also serves as a flotation system) with an orange and black helmet ”indicated Sergeant Marc Tessier of the SQ.

Analyzes will be carried out on the recovered snowmobile and the police will decide what to do next. Since Saturday, SQ divers have been present to try to find the missing 30-year-old man around 8 p.m. Friday.

It was the snowmobiler’s relatives who contacted the Sûreté du Québec. The search began around 1 am this Saturday, in collaboration with the Pontiac West Fire Department.

The searches were concentrated on the edge of the Ottawa River following a trail in the snow located near white water.