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Update on Mansfield flooding May 5: 14 primary residences flooded and 31 isolated

Update on Mansfield flooding May 5: 14 primary residences flooded and 31 isolated

5 May 2023 à 11:19 am

The most recent report in Mansfield-et-Pontefract indicates that 14 primary residences are flooded and 31 residences have been isolated along with 68 cottages flooded, and 58 cottages isolated. “We remain in evacuation mode. The level of the Ottawa River has made municipal infrastructure dangerous and large areas inaccessible. For people isolated and affected by the current disaster, please contact the municipal office to communicate your needs and relocation plans. It is important not to remain isolated during this situation because the emergency services will not be able to reach you in an adequate time in the event of a situation. If you cannot relocate, please contact the municipal office. (Municipal office: 819-683-2944 ext. 221 / email:”

Note that a residence on Pearson Street had to be evacuated yesterday by emergency services, following a request from residents.

Here is the most recent report of roads and bridges that are flooded/isolated and inaccessible in Mansfield:

Thomas-Lefebvre at Quai ;
Thomas-Lefebvre from # 270-278;
Rue Félix;

Chemin Esprit;
Chemin Léonard until # 221;
Chemin Pearson;
Chemin Whelan;
Chemin de La Passe until 190;
Chemin du Grand-Marais until #civique 215.;
Chemin de la Chute after #civique 790.
Chemin Laporte;
Chemin des Rapides (local circulation via detour).
Chemin Paradis (local circulation via PPJ until # 215)
Pont Marchand