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Upcoming announcements regarding church reopenings

Upcoming announcements regarding church reopenings

18 June 2020 à 12:00 am

Church users will have to wait a few more weeks before they can return to places of worship.

Although indoor gatherings of a maximum of fifty people will be allowed in public places from June 22, churches do not fall into this same category, given the activities taking place there.

Father Justin, awaiting the next indications from the Quebec government, which should appear later this week, has started to prepare for the reopening of the churches in his sector, hoping to be able to resume its activities at the end of the month. He gave examples of measures that could be put in place.

Until the churches reopen, it is possible to follow Sunday mass via the CHIP 101.9, and via Facebook for masses that take place during the week.

The full interview with Father Justin is available here.