The Youth speak about their electoral experience
The Youth speak about their electoral experience
CHIP 101.9 spoke with members of the brigade Jeunesse du Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi du Pontiac, the Pontiac Youth Employment Brigade, who were at the Warden Candidate Forum to ask a question during the election.
The coordinator of the project, Suzanne Vallières-Nollet said that the exercise was not only for the elections but also for a lesson in representation in a wider context:
La coordinatrice du projet, Suzanne Vallières-Nollet
The three members of the Youth Brigade, Anaïs Gionet-Laflèche, Victoria Larivière and Émilie Dionne say that the question came as a result of a school survey asking the youth what they wanted from the MRC:
The full interview is available here.