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The SQ will carry out interventions aimed at winter driving

The SQ will carry out interventions aimed at winter driving

22 January 2021 à 12:00 am

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) informs road users that interventions aimed at winter driving will be carried out throughout the territory, including in the Pontiac. This major day of operations aims to educate and prevent everyone in terms of winter driving. The SQ clarified that the emphasis of this operation is to remind drivers of the importance of accountability and caution in their journeys and to ensure compliance with the Highway Safety Code.

With the winter period well established, the Sûreté du Québec wishes to remind all drivers of the importance of adapting their driving to weather and road conditions. By doing so, the SQ says they reduce the chances of being involved in a road trip or a potentially fatal collision.

Police officers could serve statements of offense if they find that a motorist’s speed is not suitable for road conditions, even if the limit indicated on road signs is respected.

Indeed, according to article 330 of the Highway Safety Code (CSR), the driver must reduce his speed when the visibility conditions are rendered insufficient because of darkness, fog, rain or precipitation or when the road is slippery or partially clear. Violators face a minimum fine of $ 60 plus costs and two demerit points. Users must also clear snow from their vehicle and ensure that the windshield, windows, headlights, lights and license plate are free of ice and snow. Failure to comply with these safety rules increases the risk of collision, constitutes a danger for the driver, but also for all other road users and exposes you to a minimum fine of $ 100 plus costs under section 281 of the CSR.

Particular attention will also be paid to people following too closely, to non-compliance with the safety corridor as well as to checking the conformity of winter tires.

The simultaneous operation will involve 31 units from the West District, including the Mauricie, Lanaudière, Laurentides and Outaouais regions. The police will intervene according to four axes: education, prevention, intervention and communication. The police presence, interventions and awareness of drivers will be increased in the West District, which includes the Pontiac.