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The QLP consults the Outaouais within the framework of the Charter of the regions

The QLP consults the Outaouais within the framework of the Charter of the regions

23 February 2021 à 12:00 am

It is this evening that the Quebec Liberal Party (QLP) will consult the Outaouais within the framework of the Charter of the regions. The leader of the QLP and spokesperson responsible for the Charter of Regions, Dominique Anglade, explained to CHIP 101,9 that this vast tour of virtual regional consultations aims to take into consideration each of the particularities of the regions to be across Quebec and eventually table a bill in the National Assembly of Quebec.

Tonight’s virtual event is non-partisan and free, consultations will continue until spring 2021.

To register or obtain more details concerning the Charter of the regions, visit French interview with the leader of the Quebec Liberal Party and spokesperson responsible for the Charter of Regions, Dominique Anglade, is available here.