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The Pontiac Artists’ Association receives $ 21,390 for a dissemination project

The Pontiac Artists’ Association receives $ 21,390 for a dissemination project

12 April 2021 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:16 am

The Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation, as well as the municipalités régionales de comté (MRC) including the MRC Pontiac in collaboration with Culture Outaouais, unveiled the projects that are receiving funding under the third call for projects of the Entente de partenariat territorial in connection with the Outaouais community 2019-2022. This support of $ 305,800 will be offered to 10 artists and 9 artistic organizations under the Programme de partenariat territorial de l’Outaouais.

The Pontiac Artists Association is therefore receiving $ 21,390 for a project to showcase the works of InterconneXion, a series of prints produced outdoors, in a gallery.


Here is a summary of the projects of the organizations that are supported: Association des artistes du Pontiac (MRC de Pontiac), Cultural action center of the MRC de Papineau (MRC de Papineau), L’Imagier exhibition center (City of Gatineau) , Circle of Friends of Norteño (City of Gatineau), Corporation Ville-Joie Ste-Thérèse (City of Gatineau), Festival Transistor (City of Gatineau), Water of the Bath (MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais ), Plaisirs du harpsichord (City of Gatineau) and Traces Arts Visuels (City of Gatineau).

Here is the list of creators who receive help to carry out their projects:
Samuelle Desjardins (City of Gatineau), David Dufour (City of Gatineau), Lauranne Faubert-Guay (MRC de Papineau), Tiphaine Girault (City of Gatineau), Isabelle Lacasse (City of Gatineau), Clara Lagacé (MRC des Collines-de -l’Outaouais), Mishka Lavigne (City of Gatineau), Karina Pawlikowski (City of Gatineau), Clémence Roy-Darisse (City of Gatineau) and Alice Irene Whittaker-Cumming (MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais).

The sums come from the Entente de partenariat territorial in connection with the Outaouais community, this program is the result of a three-year agreement concluded in 2019 between the partners in order to support creation, production or distribution projects fostering links between the arts and the community, and for which a total of $ 761,000 has been invested. This amount includes special assistance granted by the Government of Quebec as part of the Economic Recovery Plan for the Cultural Sector. This was the last scheduled call for this deal.