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The Municipality of Pontiac plans to stop speeding

The Municipality of Pontiac plans to stop speeding

13 April 2018 à 12:00 am

The Municipality of Pontiac announced yesterday that it will work in collaboration with the Public Security of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais to stop the problems caused by speeding. The municipality stated that “the speed of some motorists is an issue in many places”, and that they are working to improve signage, in addition to using a radar that displays a vehicle’s speed to educate motorists. They also installed bollards when weather conditions and roads permit. When a specific location is show to have consistent issues, the MRC des Collines officers carry out targeted radar operations. This happened last Wednesday, when they conducted a special operation on the chemin de la Montagne (near the CPE, on the section between the 148 and the garner centre, where the speed limit is set at 50 km / h), during which, they issued 4 tickets for speeds ranging from 73 to 95 km / h in a 50 zone. Similar operations are planned again in this and in other locations.