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Steps to follow when contacting the SAAQ

Steps to follow when contacting the SAAQ

23 April 2020 à 12:00 am

People who wish to obtain an appointment with the SAAQ in Campbell’s Bay will be able, as of April 24th, to call 819-648-5689 ext. 0.

This change, requested by the MRC Pontiac in making appointments, was made in particular to “better serve the population in the Pontiac”. Since the start of the pandemic, the SAAQs in the province were ordered to direct phone calls for appointments to a call center.

“We have indicated that we prefer to make appointments locally, but we had to follow this procedure, said the MRC Pontiac’s strategic communications advisor, Colleen Jones. Today, we have officially obtained permission to schedule our appointments with our local number.”

On-site services are limited to the following:

  • Registering a vehicle (including all types of property transfers between individuals)
  • Replacing a lost or stolen license plate
  • Re-acquiring a cancelled driver’s licence, a cancelled class of licence or a driver’s licencethat expired less than 3 years ago

The other services will gradually return. It is however possible to have access to online services, which are always available to citizens, businesses and external stakeholders.

The SAAQ offices remain inaccessible to anyone who does not have an appointment confirmed by its staff. Meetings will only be held on Wednesdays and Fridays starting next week. The Pontiac MRC also specified that hygiene and physical distancing measures will be applied to ensure the safety of SAAQ customers and its employees.