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Stéphane Durocher receives the Dollard-Morin Award

Stéphane Durocher receives the Dollard-Morin Award

25 April 2020 à 12:00 am

A local volunteer, Stéphane Durocher, won the Dollard-Morin award given by Loisir Sport Outaouais. Stéphane Durocher has been involved for many years in the field of sport in the Pontiac.

The Dollard-Morin Leisure and Sports Volunteer Award aims to highlight the invaluable contribution of volunteers to the development of their community and the well-being of their fellow citizens. Stéphane Durocher is currently the director of the Maisons des jeunes du Pontiac.

The full interview in French with Stéphane Durocher is available here.