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Second annual Maurice Beauregard 3-pitch tournament coming May 24-26

Second annual Maurice Beauregard 3-pitch tournament coming May 24-26

13 May 2024 à 3:05 pm

The second annual ball tournament in memory of Maurice Beauregard will take place from May 24 to 26 in Campbell’s Bay at the park named in his honour.

This is the second annual tournament held in memory of the town’s former mayor, who died of cancer in October 2022. His wife, Kelly McMahon-Beauregard, said that she and Maurice met through baseball while they were both students at Heritage College in Gatineau, and baseball is part of their family’s life. Their sons both play, and the oldest, Hunter, plays for the Quebec U20 Men’s Fastpitch Team.

She explained that the event, like last year, raises funds to award three $500 scholarships for Pontiac graduates, with the remainder of the funds raised going towards the improvement of Maurice Beauregard Park. Last year the tournament brought in more than $23,000 before expenses, a result well beyond its expectations, of which $12,000 was donated to improving the facilities.

More details can be found on the event’s Facebook page.

The full interview with McMahon-Beauregard (7m) is available here.