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Richard Gratton, laureate of the 2017 Seniors’ Tribute Award for the Outaouais region

Richard Gratton, laureate of the 2017 Seniors’ Tribute Award for the Outaouais region

27 November 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 3 August 2023 à 9:29 am

The Table des aînés et retraités du Pontiac (TARP) would like to congratulate Mr. Richard Gratton, winner of the 2017 Seniors’ Tribute Award for the Outaouais region.

This award, which recognizes the exceptional volunteer commitment of 18 seniors from all regions of Quebec, was presented at a ceremony held on November 22 at the Hotel du Parlement in Quebec City. by the Minister responsible for Seniors and the Fight Against Bullying, Mme. Francine Charbonneau.

TARP president, Mme. Andrée Martin, said, “We are very proud of this honor, which is reflected on all seniors and citizens of the Pontiac.” According to the mme. Martin, Mr. Gratton shows us the importance of “living an active seniors life and contributing to the well-being of our fellow citizens. ”

Having had a military career in Canada taking him to many countries around the world, Mr. Gratton has always been concerned about caring for his neighbor and the most vulnerable. A father of three, he grew up in the Ottawa area. Volunteering has always been part of his life.

Since his retirement in 2007, he has become deeply involved in his community. He served as President of the TARP for four (4) years, while also serving as a volunteer driver for TransporAction. In addition, he was an outstanding animator for Active Living programs for seniors in the region.

Mr. Gratton also received the recognition from TCARO Volunteers in June 2017.
