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Pontiac municipalities restrict access to their offices

Pontiac municipalities restrict access to their offices

17 March 2020 à 12:00 am

Several Pontiac municipalities have announced restrictions to the operations of their offices, along with the closures of their municipal libraries to avoid the spread of COVID-19.

Some of which are encouraging their residents to call or write by email, in order to communicate with municipal employees.

The mayor of Fort-Coulonge, Gaston Allard, explained the measures taken by his municipality.

Similar actions are currently being taken in the municipality of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, as expressed by Mayor Winston Sunstrum.

Municipalities such as L’Ile-du-Grand-Calumet, Campbell’s Bay, Alleyn-et-Cawood and others, in addition to the conditions above, are asking their citizens to ”avoid any unnecessary outings.”

The full interview in French with Gaston Allard is available here.

The full interview in English with Winston Sunstrum is available here.