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Phare Ouest presents “L’Arracheuse de temps” on April 19 at Café Downtown

Phare Ouest presents “L’Arracheuse de temps” on April 19 at Café Downtown

6 April 2022 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:24 am

The Phare Ouest organization is showing the film “L’Arracheuse de temps’ (The Time Snatcher) written by Fred Pellerin and directed by Francis Leclerc, on April 19 at Café Downtown in Fort-Coulonge. The film has received a lot of attention in the province both from critics and audiences alike. Phare Ouest representative Louis Harvey gave a brief synopsis of the film.

For the occasion, Café Downtown will offer a special menu. It costs $3 to see the film and people can reserve their place by calling 873-864-8444. This film is presented thanks to the special participation of CHIP 101.9 and tickets will be drawn on the radio during the days before the presentation.

The full (French-language) interview with Harvey is available here.