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Newly protected zones in the Pontiac: the Noire and Coulonge River

Newly protected zones in the Pontiac: the Noire and Coulonge River

23 August 2018 à 12:00 am

In a press release, the Parks and nature society of Canada (SNAP) in the Gatineau Valley congratulated the Quebec government for its’ territory conservation efforts. The Pontiac is directly related to the press release. In fact, a protected biodiversity reserve will allow the pools in black and Coulonge river to be protected. the Director General of the SNAP, John McDonnell:

Another zone will be affected in the Pontiac by the Biodiversity reserve, thats Mont O’Brien in the municipality of Alleyn-and-Caywood and Danford Lake. The SNAP hopes the newly protected zones will be able to grow eventually to protect more land.

The complete interview is available here.