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Navigation on the Ottawa River temporarily interrupted

Navigation on the Ottawa River temporarily interrupted

11 September 2020 à 12:00 am

On August 31, Hydro Québec began rebuilding a segment of the 120 kV Bryson–Chenaux generating station in the MRC of Pontiac. On Monday, Hydro Quebec will begin dismantling the cables at the generating station, above the Ottawa River, which will interrupt the navigation on the river between September 14 to 17, between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.

“To ensure the safety of the workers and river users, guards will also be present on the river,” noted Alain Paquette, Advisor – Community Relations at Hydro-Québec.

According to Hydro Québec, the work on the Bryson–Chenaux is required due to the degree of deterioration and age of the line.

Commissioned in 1941, the line that will be repaired starts at the Bryson generating station switch yard and connects to the Hydro One facilities in Ontario. This project involves rebuilding a 1.6-km line located in the Litchfield industrial park and will be carried out until the end of 2020.

Hydro-Québec asks residents to exercise caution near the job site.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Info-Project line: 1 800 465-1521, ext. 6022.