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Murder Mystery fundraiser for two local organizations

Murder Mystery fundraiser for two local organizations

23 October 2023 à 3:15 pm

On November 4, amateur gumshoes from around the Pontiac will gather at the Shawville Lions Hall for a a dinner theatre production that will feature an evening of food, drink and intrigue.

Val Twolan-Graham, vice-president of the Pontiac Community Players, said that the idea was to put on something a little different to bring people out during a time of year that’s usually pretty dull, and hired the professional troupe Big Time Murder Mystery Ottawa to put on the production. A joint venture between the Shawville Lions Club and the PCP, the profits will be split between the two community organizations.

She said that included in the $100 ticket is a three course meal catered by local eatery Cartrites, as well as the evening’s entertainment and prizes. She explained that the evening is a mix of dinner theatre and a large collaborative game of Clue, with participants voting at the end on the murderer, motive and the events leading up to the killing.

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The full interview with Twolan-Graham (5m40) is available here.