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MRC Pontiac to issue calls for Assistant DG, engineer positions

MRC Pontiac to issue calls for Assistant DG, engineer positions

22 February 2024 à 2:08 pm

At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on February 21, council approved the posting of two job positions on the MRC’s management team, one for an Assistant Director General and one for the position of engineer. The engineer position has been posted twice already, but didn’t attract any qualified candidates.

MRC Director General Kim Lesage explained that they used to have an Assistant DG as recently as 2019, and said she could use assistance with the large number of local and regional committees that she attends as a representative of the MRC. She added that a successful candidate would also likely help with the implementation of Law 25, a new provincial regulation on the use and protection of personal data. The goal is to fill the position this spring.

The engineer post has been open since Lesage vacated it in late 2022 to take on the DG position, and the new posting is the same as the one issued previously. She said that they will leave the posting open “as long as we need to.”

Lesage said the postings should be available on the MRC’s website shortly.