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MRC Pontiac launches landscapes survey

MRC Pontiac launches landscapes survey

23 December 2021 à 12:00 am

MRC Pontiac is launching a survey on the region’s landscapes as part of their revision of the Land Use and Development Plan.

The online survey asks participants about different local landscapes, from farm land to local beaches to downtown buildings. It asks if they live near or visit these landscapes, as well as what landscapes should be changed and which should be preserved.

MRC Land Planner Alexandre Savoie-Perron explained that they have contracted The Coopérative de travail des Mille Lieux to conduct the survey as part of their mandate to “characterize the natural and cultural landscapes of the Pontiac.”

He said that the results of the survey would help the land planning department determine which areas should be preserved or improved.

The survey will be available to fill out until January 31, and can be found here:

The full interview with Savoie-Perron is available here.