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More than $ 180,000 to support CREDDO’s efforts

More than $ 180,000 to support CREDDO’s efforts

9 May 2018 à 12:00 am

The Government of Quebec and the Government of Canada have granted financial assistance totaling $ 180,993 to the Outaouais Regional Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development (CREDDO) for the implementation of a sustainable development project valued at 562,883 $.

The Department of Economics, Science and Innovation (MESI) awards $ 41,100 through the Programme d’appui au développement des secteurs stratégiques et des créneaux d’excellence (PADS) for the realization of the Synergie Outaouais industrial ecology project, which, boosts networking between participating companies in order to facilitate the exchange of residual materials, water, energy and other resources, and collaboration between companies. The project also reduces greenhouse gas emissions in the Outaouais.

This contribution is in addition to $ 29,893, already granted by MESI for the first phase of this project, which consisted, among other things, in setting up a regional round table to discuss the concept of industrial ecology.