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Mental health advocates hear from patients about involuntary hospitalizations

Mental health advocates hear from patients about involuntary hospitalizations

28 May 2024 à 3:45 pm

Earlier this month, a group advocating for people with mental health issues held a public consultation with patients who have been involuntarily hospitalized when deemed a threat to themselves or others.

Mélodie Pelletier, a councillor with Droits-Accès de l’Outaouais, explained that they held the consultation in light of the provincial government’s review of law P.38, which regulates when and how someone can be hospitalized involuntarily. Around fifty people attended the consultation she said, including patients and their loved ones. Pelletier said that, unsurprisingly, the patients’ experiences with involuntary hospitalization were overwhelmingly negative.

Pelletier added that short-staffing in local facilities can have a major impact on a patient’s treatment and how well their rights are respected throughout the process.

The full interview with Pelletier (9m40) is available here.