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Meeting between the presidencies of the school boards and the CAQ MNA’s in the region

Meeting between the presidencies of the school boards and the CAQ MNA’s in the region

15 March 2019 à 12:00 am

The presidents of the school boards of the region, including Diane Nault of the Commission Scolaire des Hauts Bois de l’Outaouais (CSHBO), issued a press release this week, where it was said they appreciated the warm welcome and attentiveness from the Minister responsible for the Outaouais and Minister of the Family, Mathieu Lacombe, and from the MNA for Chapleau, Mathieu Lévesque, at a meeting held on March 8th in Chelsea.

The presidents say they took advantage of the meeting to table their report entitled Rapport en faveur du maintien d’une gouvernance élue démocratiquement or (maintaining a democratically elected governance). They also dealt more specifically with the impacts in the Outaouais in regards to the implementation of 4-year-old kindergarten classes (4K), the difficulties of acquiring land for new schools and other risks in regards to smaller communities.

They have made it clear that they were not opposed to 4-year-old classes, but instead offered their collaboration with the government to find solutions. More information is available on the CSHBO website.