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Longest snowmobile bridge in the world connects Pontiac and West Carleton

Longest snowmobile bridge in the world connects Pontiac and West Carleton

14 February 2022 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:23 am

Despite the blustery winter weather on February 12, several officials and the public gathered on the Ontario side of the former Morris Island train bridge for the official opening of the world’s longest snowmobiling bridge. The former train bridge will connect the trails in Ontario and Quebec and spans 487 meters across the Ottawa River, making it the largest of its kind in the world.

In attendance were Kanata-Carleton MP Jenna Sudds, MPP Merrilee Fullerton, Ottawa City Councillor Eli El-Chantiry, MRC Pontiac Warden Jane Toller and Economic Development Director Cyndy Phillips as well as representatives from the West Carleton Snowmobile Trails Association (WCSTA) and the Pontiac Snowmobile Drivers’ Association (PSDA).

WCSTA representative Paul McDonald said that the main reason they pursued the bridge project was safety, as the bridge would provide a reliable crossing even when ice conditions on the river weren’t favorable.

Phillips said that the project has been years in the making and came to fruition due to the vision and collaboration of the snowmobile clubs on both sides of the river.

Former PSDA President Alain Goulet said that the project was the culmination of a lot of work over the years, and added that he was glad for the help from the WCSTA

“It’s been a wild ride. I’m really happy that it got done,” he said.
