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Knights of Columbus Council 7221 award three student bursaries

Knights of Columbus Council 7221 award three student bursaries

5 June 2023 à 11:20 am

Last Wednesday, the Knights of Columbus, Council 7221 awarded three scholarships of $500 each to 3 students who have just completed their school year.

“These are 3 great careers that give hope to our community. We have a dental hygienist, Billie Desormeaux, a nurse, Mia Beaulieu and an electrician, Antoine Graveline. It was with great pleasure that I represented the Knights of Columbus at this bursary presentation, and that I was able to meet three intelligent, dynamic young people with exemplary careers – in short, positive assets for our community,” said Gérard Romain, Grand Knight of Council 7221.

KoC Council 7221 is a charitable organization that invests in the community, in causes and services such as activities at their hall in Fort-Coulonge, donations to causes such as the CLSC Foundation in Mansfield or the Maison Mathieu Froment Savoie.

“Knights of Columbus Bingo, broadcast on CHIP 101.9 every week on Thursdays at 7 p.m., is the Knights of Columbus Council 7221’s main fundraiser, allowing us to invest in the community,” added Romain.