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Jardin Educatif du Pontiac seeking applications for summer program

Jardin Educatif du Pontiac seeking applications for summer program

26 March 2024 à 3:09 pm

The Jardin Éducatif du Pontiac is now seeking applications to their newly re-worked summer program for youth from across the region.

The Jardin’s Director Martin Riopel explained that they changed the format of the program this year, where there will be a smaller group of participants who will be paid minimum wage to work in the garden, learn about harvesting and transforming produce, as well as some other fun educational activities.

He said that in addition to working in the garden, staff at the program will help the youth participants pursue their scholastic and personal goals.

More information can be found here.

The full interview with Riopel is (10m35) available here.