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Introduction to manga drawing /FREE workshop – ages 8 and up

Introduction to manga drawing /FREE workshop – ages 8 and up

6 October 2022 à 12:00 am

Updated on 18 November 2022 à 4:34 pm

Chibis are minimalist representations of manga characters. They often have a big head and are very expressive. Chibis are truly characteristic of the manga universe. In this workshop, you will explore the basics of manga drawing.

The online and live workshop, offered by the Réseau BIBLIO de l’Outaouais, is 90 minutes long and hosted by O-Taku Manga Lounge. The workshop will take place on the ZOOM platform.

Materials required for the workshop:

  • Pencils,
  • paper
  • eraser.
  • Access to the ZOOM platform on a computer or tablet.

Click on the following link on October 20, 2022 at 6 p.m. to join the workshop on the Zoom platform :

For more information, contact us:

  • by phone at 819-561-6008, ext. 222
  • by email at
