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Grief support group returning in September

Grief support group returning in September

22 August 2024 à 10:24 am

Updated on 22 August 2024 à 3:34 pm

At the start of September the free grief support group offered by AutonHomme Pontiac will be returning to Campbell’s Bay. The sessions will take place on Mondays at 7 p.m. at the group’s office in Campbell’s Bay (128 Front Street), starting September 9 and running for eight weeks until November 4.

Ali-John Chaudhary, a psychotherapist leading the group, explained that it was open to men and women who have experienced grief of some kind, such as the recent loss of a loved one. He said that the two previous sessions that he led last fall and winter were well received.

The group, facilitated by an experienced mental health professional in Chaudhary, allows participants to be vulnerable, form bonds over shared experiences and exchange coping strategies in a safe environment.

He said that the previous groups were around five to eight people, and he said that the small group setting is optimal for the subject matter.

Those looking for more information can contact Kim Laroche at 819-648-2309 or by email at

The full interview with Chaudhary (8m30) is available here.