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Financial assistance to the MRC of Pontiac for the maintenance of an intercity bus service

Financial assistance to the MRC of Pontiac for the maintenance of an intercity bus service

25 September 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 18 July 2023 à 2:49 pm

The Government of Québec is providing financial assistance at a maximum of $ 128,675 to the Pontiac MRC for the maintenance of an intercity bus service on the Allumettes Island to Gatineau route. This amount comes from the Green Fund and the Ground Transportation Networks Fund (le Fonds des réseaux de transport terrestre).

The Honorable Member of national assembly for Pontiac, André Fortin, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Electrification of Transportation Laurent Lessard and the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and the Fight against Climate Change, David Heurtel, who made the announcement. The aid is granted for a period of 12 months, which will allow the bus service to continue on our roads until October 16 2018.

This project is part of the second component of Financial Assistance for Regional Transit of the Transit Development Assistance Program. The financial assistance allows for the maintenance of inter-urban bus service between Allumettes Island and Gatineau for residents of the Pontiac.