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CSHBO ranked poorly in performance index

CSHBO ranked poorly in performance index

13 February 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 16 August 2023 à 1:25 pm

In an article in the Journal de Montréal last weekend, the Montreal daily paper published the ranking of school boards in Quebec according to a performance index. The worst ranked school board, the school boards of Sorel-Tracy, second worst goes to Samares, in the Lanaudière, and the third worst performing school board is that of the commissions scolaires des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais. According to an analyst at the Journal de Montréal, we must take into account the local economy and the socio-demographic reality to explain the different results. Student success can also be explained, according to this article, by the efforts made in recent years by school boards to support more teachers. The commissions scolaires James Bay is in the lead, followed by the commissions scolaires Bois-Franc. For all the results, click on the following links

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