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CHIP 101,9 presents “Veranda” this evening

CHIP 101,9 presents “Veranda” this evening

22 June 2021 à 12:00 am

CHIP 101,9 will present this evening the recording of the show of the group Véranda, formed by actress Catherine-Audrey Lachapelle and the musician Léandre Joly-Pelletier. In an interview on CHIP 101.9, the band explained that they offer a perfect blend of influences, tuning country, folk and bluegrass, and navigate between the simplicity of old country and the virtuosity of bluegrass.

Note that the show was filmed in front of a few spectators, according to public health standards. The show, captured from Café Downton located in Fort-Coulonge, will be presented via the CHIP 101.9 Facebook page and also on the radio, tonight (June 22) at 7 p.m. The production of this show is made possible thanks to the financial participation of the Ministère de la Culture et des Communicaitons du Québec. The French interview with Léandre Joly-Pelletier from the Véranda group is available here.