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Carrefour jeunesse emploi du Pontiac’s La Défriche program officially announces the deployment of repair terminals on the PPJ

Carrefour jeunesse emploi du Pontiac’s La Défriche program officially announces the deployment of repair terminals on the PPJ

15 July 2021 à 12:00 am

The Defriche program of the Carrefour jeunesse emploi (CJE) du Pontiac invited the media to the announcement of the second phase of the Équipiste project, which consists of providing the PPJ with bicycle repair stations and establishing partnerships with local merchants. along the bike path to sell equipment and tools to PPJ users.

Vanessa and Kayla Dubeau, program participant explained how the repair stations work.

“The terminals are equipped with an air pump and various tools (screwdriver, adjustable wrench, set of Allen keys, pair of tire levers, etc.). They are also protected from bad weather and secured by stainless steel cables. The GPS coordinates of the terminals will be displayed on the maps of Biciborne and Vélo-Québec »
– Vanessa and Kayla Dubeau

This project also aims to strengthen the spirit of entrepreneurship and community belonging among young Pontiacs and to show the whole community that young people, with simple actions, can create lasting and useful projects in their environment.

Remember that the Équipiste project, a project designed in 2020 by a group of students from Sieur-de-Coulonge High School, responds to a real need observed in the field: some PPJ users had to shorten their hike due to lack of resources to repair their bikes. Supported by La Défriche, Lab Finance and the MRC Pontiac, the group doubled its efforts to further develop the activities of the project, which was received with great enthusiasm by elected officials, and was unanimously accepted.