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Caregiver allowed to visit CHSLD under certain conditions

Caregiver allowed to visit CHSLD under certain conditions

15 April 2020 à 12:00 am

On the recommendation of public health authorities, the Quebec government has announced that, as of Thursday, the government will allow caregivers to go and help a loved one in a CHSLD.

The Director de la Santé Publique du Québec, Dr. Horacio Arruda:

These caregivers must meet certain conditions, including:
– Be known by the managers of the establishments;
– Have passed a test for COVID-19 and have no symptoms;
– Wear personal protective equipment;
– Take care of a single resident;
– Keep a distance of 2 meters from employees and other residents.

[* Note: visits are still prohibited. *]

Dr. Arruda also asked that the families of seniors living in CHSLDs, who will not be eligible as caregivers, be patient with the staff of the institutions and the limits that will be imposed.


The government has indicated that 95% of establishments are able to communicate with families. The Prime Minister has set a target of 100% and has requested that there be at least one person designated to contact for families in each facility.

Reminder of instructions:
To limit the spread of the coronavirus as much as possible, it is important, in particular:
– wash your hands frequently with soap and water for twenty seconds, especially when you are outside;
– disinfect your hands with an alcohol-based solution if you do not have access to soap and water;
– keep a distance of two meters from other people;
– to avoid any gathering;
– to stay at home, except in case of necessity.

If symptoms appear:
– isolate yourself;
– cough on the inside of your elbow;
– throw away your handkerchiefs (tissues) immediately after use and wash your hands afterwards;
– consult the Self-care guide or call line 1 877 644-4545 for the measures to be taken.

To learn more about the coronavirus, the public is invited to consult the Qué website. Information can be obtained using the coronavirus line at 1-819-644-4545 or 1 877 644-4545 (toll free).