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Candidates discuss increasing democratic participation

Candidates discuss increasing democratic participation

2 September 2021 à 12:00 am

At CHIP 101.9’s debate between four of the federal candidates for the Pontiac riding, local business owner Jim Coffey asked the candidates what they thought could be done to improve public participation in the democratic process. He began by pointing out that the four candidates had been either appointed or had an uncontested nomination.

First to give a response was Liberal candidate Sophie Chatel, who stressed that she had followed all the rules in regards to the nomination process.

Next up was NDP candidate Denise Giroux, who pointed out that the timing of the election call had an impact on preparations and who was able to participate.

Shaughn McArthur of the Green Party said that he had met many people in the riding who were disaffected with the current electoral process and said that his party would push for electoral reform.

Michel Gauthier of the Conservatives said that there had been another candidate for his party’s nomination in the Pontiac who decided to drop out.