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Bus driver strike: document sent to drivers causes confusion

Bus driver strike: document sent to drivers causes confusion

9 May 2023 à 3:05 pm

The school bus drivers’ strike continues in the Pontiac and numerous people expressed shock due to social media posts indicating that the drivers had received a layoff notice from their employer, Autobus Lasalle. Denis Ouellette, a representative of Teamsters Local 106, the union representing the drivers, explained that the drivers had been sent their record of employment, a document they typically receive at the end of the school year, only this time the reason for the work stoppage was listed as a strike. Ouellette said that while this is an odd move by the company, it is a legal formality and not the same as a layoff notice.

CHIP 101.9 has reached out several times to the public relations company representing SOGESCO, Autobus Lasalle’s parent company, but has not yet received a response.

According to union representatives, they haven’t received any communication from the company since the beginning of the strike.


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