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Budget 2023: L’Isle-aux-Allumettes

Budget 2023: L’Isle-aux-Allumettes

19 January 2023 à 2:42 pm

CHIP 101.9 is in the process of gathering each of municipal budgets for 2023 in the MRC Pontiac. This means talking to municipal officials about the reality they face this year, and of any changes that residents should be aware of.

Here is a look at:

The Municipality of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes:

In 2023, the municipality of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes is predicting a surplus budget with $4,088,514 in revenues and $3,286,211 in operating expenses, resulting in an overall surplus of $802, 303 before reconciliation (See below).

Revenues ($4,088,514):

As is the case for most municipalities in the MRC Pontiac, most of the municipal revenues for L’Isle-aux-Allumettes comes from Taxes and Transfers. Its tax revenue amounts to more than half of its municipal budget at $2,485,596.

The other biggest chunk comes from Transfers at $1,287,061 which are government grants covering most of the costs related to road improvements and maintenance, gas taxes and garbage and recycling taxes.

Expenses ($3,286,211):

In terms of expenses this year, the municipality of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes is predicting $3,286,211 in general operating expenses. The largest portion of which is Transportation ($933, 736), which includes snow removal and winter maintenance, wages, and general operating expenses. And, General administration ($902, 994), which is mainly occupied by financial and administrative management.

The other note-worthy expenses this year are Environmental Health ($530, 536) and Public Security ($508, 966).

Debt Reconciliation:

None of this surplus will actually be going into Allumettes pocket, in fact money will be coming out of the municipality’s bank to cover the additional costs.
Broken down, it has $349,100 in loan payments due and $525,500 in investing activities that they have to pay back.

In other words, the over $800,000 in surplus this year will be paid in full to past debts and an additional $72, 297 will have to come out of the municipality’s reserves.


You can find the municipality of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes full budget breakdown here.

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