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Black bear hunting and trapping: the Ministry reminds that it is possible to hunt a bear with a radio collar or a plastic tag

Black bear hunting and trapping: the Ministry reminds that it is possible to hunt a bear with a radio collar or a plastic tag

21 May 2021 à 12:00 am

The black bear hunt started on May 15th and the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs recalls that it is currently carrying out a study on the populations of black bears in certain regions of Quebec, including the Outaouais. The objective is to collect data on the reproduction and survival parameters of the species in order to ensure sound management of the populations. As a result, some bears have a red plastic ear tag, and sometimes even a radio collar.

The Ministry made a point of making a few reminders.

✅ Harvesting a bear with a radio collar or plastic ear tag is legal.

✅ If you capture a black bear that is wearing a radio collar, please contact the Ministry so that the collar can be retrieved and then placed on another bear. The phone number to call is printed on the back of the plastic tag located on the animal’s ear. If the bear is wearing only this plastic tag, without a radio collar, please notify the Ministry as well. This information is essential to the project.

✅ Meat consumption: In 99.9% of cases, the meat of a bear wearing a radio collar and / or a plastic tag may be eaten. However, please contact the MFFP in advance to ensure that the withdrawal period prescribed by Health Canada is respected between the time of capture (chemical immobilization) of the bear and its death. The phone number to dial is printed on the back of the plastic tag located on the bear’s ear.

You can now register your game online at the following address: