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Bike paths and hiking trails accessible in the MRC Pontiac

Bike paths and hiking trails accessible in the MRC Pontiac

15 April 2020 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:07 am

The MRC Pontiac has updated the information regarding the access to the various hiking and biking trails on its territory in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cyclopark PPJ
– Completely open for cycling and walking
– Please be extra vigilant when in more populated areas
– All-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes are not permitted on the trail at any time

Oiseau Rock Trail (Sheenboro)
– Completely open for hiking
– Please check road conditions before venturing out as there may be snow and mud in many areas
– All-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes are not permitted on the trail at any time

Castor Géant (Otter Lake)

[* Please note that spring maintenance has not yet been completed on all trails; you may come across fallen trees or rough patches. *]

Residents of the MRC Pontiac are encouraged to enjoy the outdoors, on foot or by bike, rather than driving. Users can use the recreational trails in the MRC Pontiac under certain conditions:
– You can access them locally
– You respect public health recommendations, including physical distancing of two meters

Walking your dog is also permitted, but you must keep your dog on leash at all times.

For any question or concern on the trails of the MRC Pontiac, it is possible to contact the MRC Pontiac’s civil engineer, Kim Lesage:


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