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Big turnout at breakfast in support of Centraide Outaouais

Big turnout at breakfast in support of Centraide Outaouais

20 November 2023 à 4:04 pm

On Monday morning (November 20) more than 100 people gathered at the RA Hall in Campbell’s Bay for a fundraising breakfast organized by Warden Jane Toller in support of Centraide Outaouais (known as the United Way in English).

Toller invited several speakers up on stage to discuss the impact that Centraide has had on their work in the community, through monetary contributions as well as offering training and other forms of support. This is the second year that the warden has organized this fundraiser and, speaking en français, she said that she was pleased with the increase in attendance this year.

Centraide Outaouais’ Executive Director Cédric Tessier spoke with CHIP 101.9 about the work they do supporting community organizations in the Pontiac region. He explained that their focus is on working to combat “poverty and social exclusion” through local groups like food bank Bouffe Pontiac or the Jardin Educatif.

He also highlighted their new 50/50 raffle fundraising initiative, tickets for which can be purchased here.

The full interview with Tessier (4m55) is available here.